We know that drum circles work and fit in our gatherings no matter the type of group. In fact we’ve mostly been a part of a drum circle event, or a team building corporate off site activity in the past. So this activity doesn’t feel like it is entirely new today, does it? This also makes us a customer that is aware of the kind of activities out there. We are able to tell the quality difference when we go through the activity. In a new market where price-based competition is fervent and everyone is throwing their hat in the ring to be considered, it can get difficult to decipher the actual quality from the others. Once again, we know that drum circle activities for adults will work. But what drum circle activities work in which type of event? Well this is a matter of experience, training and certification of the facilitator you are hiring or the organization you are working with.


These drum circle events may look or even sound the same at times (That in itself is a dead giveaway of a sub-par service provider actually!) but the way each session is delivered and the way each drum circle is consumed, felt and experienced is VERY different. For a corporate drum circle it is of utmost importance to speak the language that such groups understand. Meet the participant at their map of the world (NLP 101) for effective communication. For a healing drum circle you will need to gauge the audience and set a strong foundation and intent to make sure that you can go deep with respect to the takeaway of the session. Your second red flag of a mediocre session is when the facilitator is making very superlative claims. We know that advertising exaggerates the facts but when these ad-like proclamations make their way into your session scripts then you need to worry (both as a facilitator and as a client / agent who hires said services). Every group is unique and though the base / core of the claims come from one place, how it is delivered needs to be bespoke and relevant to the given session. 

Just like we wrap old gifts that we want to repurpose in a new wrapping paper to pass it forward, many times we do the same with these activities. The amount of times I have sat in on meetings with event management agencies trying to re package a group drumming activity by calling it something new or changing a minor (mostly irrelevant and insignificant) detail is truly appalling. The funny thing is that a lot of the time, this white washing works! When in fact, instead of thinking of new drum circle ideas, the key may lie in simply understanding (vetting) your facilitator’s ability and explaining to them the intent and (more importantly) objective of the session. And if you don’t have a deep objective (which is the case often) be honest and say that out loud too. Just helping your team blow off some steam, unwind and have a fun experience is objective enough to help them be more motivated and recharged as they come to work the next day. 

Facilitators, do your research on new and more interesting drum circle rhythms. Take example and inspiration from daily sounds and rhythms. Listen deeply. Be present in every moment around you and let the rhythm flow through you. Keep learning new rhythm cultures, instruments to make sure that you are not falling into a rut of playing the same thing day in and day out. This way you will find yourself being a true channel and medium to help bring out the best from the group you are working with. Ensure you have covered all your basics correctly. Do you mean African drum circles (or actually simply drum circles) or are you just using that word to stand out sensationally? No judgement, just be honest with yourself… 

Whether you are doing drum circle activities for seniors, for kids, for schools, for corporates or for special needs groups remember that the drum circle activity breathes a new life each time you participate in it or lead it. If you are a drum circle facilitator and feel you are in need of a skill upgrade, reach out to us and register for our annual drum circle facilitator course (happening next in March 2025 in Pune) and the drum circle facilitator’s retreat that we will be doing in October 2025 in Goa!

#ComeDrumBeOne #WassaWassa
Come. Drum. Be One. 
Varun Venkit
Team Taal Inc.