Our Expressive Arts & Mental Health Awareness Initiatives

The EARTH without ART would be just EH…!

What is Art Therapy?

Art Therapy is the use of various art-based modalities (drawing, painting, sketching, doodling, drumming, singing, dancing, creative writing, theatre activities and so on) with a particular group (over a period of time) to positively influence certain pre-decided behavioural (not necessarily artistic) objectives. This could be used in various settings such as hospitals, with special needs groups, at-risk groups, marginalized populations, underprivileged groups and more.

So, while a one-off drumming event can be therapeutic; wherein, there is an emergent experience of an epiphany (catharsis or heightened awareness), an Art Therapy session (that Taal Inc. calls Art Talks) is designed with a very specific purpose or objective that would be arrived upon based on a process and measured using psychometrics. So, in a therapy-driven culture where the word could be used rather loosely, it is of utmost importance to note the prerequisites of Creative Art Therapy.

Therapeutic Benefits of Arts

Taal Inc. is committed to propagating the use of arts for health and wellbeing. Our way of doing this is to offer various sessions and avenues where people from all walks of life can access the therapeutic benefits of arts regardless of colour, caste, economic and social background. 

Art Talks | Creative and Expressive Art Therapy

Here are the Initiatives We Have in this Section

The Taal Inc. Therapy Room | Art Therapy Sessions

Our specially-designed multipurpose space for 1 on 1 therapy / counselling / expressive arts sessions

Taal Inc. Community Arts

Weekly ‘Expressive Arts Sessions’ / Community Drum Circles at a community-friendly venue near YOU!

Taal Inc. Art Talks | Art Therapy Sessions

Art based interventions / expressive art therapy sessions / music + music therapy sessions for children or groups from difficult backgrounds or with special needs

Did You Know?

Art Therapy Session

An Art Therapy Session is the specific use of art (fine art such as painting, drawing etc) repeatedly on an individual or group level, over a period of time to address a pre decided behavioural or therapy goal / objective. The use of one particular art form in an art therapy session substitutes the use of the conventional talk-based therapy methods.

Art Based Therapy

Art Based therapy is the use or art based modalities such as Fine Art, Creative Movement, Music, Rhythm, Creative Writing and Drama based activities to work on an individual or group level, over a period of time to address a pre decided behavioural or therapy goal / objective. The use of the specific modality may vary depending on the objective of the sessions, the facilitator’s inclination or expertise and the ever-changing need of the group.

 Creative Art Therapy

Creative Art Therapy is the overarching umbrella under which are all the other modality-specific therapies such as Music Therapy, Visual Art Therapy, Play Therapy, Arts Based Therapy, Story-Telling, Art Therapy and so on.

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy is an inter-modal approach to an arts-based therapy module. One session of expressive art therapy may draw upon various art forms such as drama, music, writing, rhythm, painting or movement. This form of therapy combines psychology principles with creative processes to propagate a pre decided therapy goal.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need art training or experience to participate in art therapy?

Yes, your skill in your main art form (whether it's visual art, music, drama, dance or creative movement) will help you use your medium strongly. Having said this, it is not a necessity that you are a professional artist to learn 'Art Therapy'. There is a focus on the medium and also a focus on psychology since you will be working with people from various backgrounds with various needs.

2. What kind of art will I make in art therapy?

The kind that helps you fulfil the intent (or objective) of the Art Therapy session. The journey of art-creation is more important that the destination and so you will create art that helps you fees a sense of (for example) self-expression, catharsis, realisation or epiphany.

3. What are the advantages of art therapy over conventional psychotherapy?

Where words fail, art prevails. Conventional psychotherapy depends greatly direct verbal communication from the client. Many a time, this can be overwhelming and can put the client 'under the microscope'. Hence, using an art form (drumming, body percussion, singing / chanting, painting, creative movement, contact improvisation, rhythm games, creative writing etc) can help break the ice, build a strong foundation fo trust, and bring out genuine behaviour that might have otherwise been hidden.