Weekly ‘Expressive Arts Sessions’ / Community Drum Circles at a community-friendly venue near YOU!
Open your HEARTS and let ART into your life.
What is Community Arts?
Taal Inc., brings to you Community Arts. This is a way to come and experience art forms (Drumming, Visual Art, Creative Movement, Creative Writing, Meditation and more) as a medium of therapeutic self-expression and connection with others just like YOU!
Our aim is to popularise the use of arts as a tool of self-care, self-love, and therapy. There are a lot of reasons due to which we feel stressed out and this very stress is the cause of a myriad of mental health issues.
Sessions are FREE
This is to say that we follow the gift economy / pay-it-forward principle. Suggested donation is INR 300
Venues Around Pune
We currently have sessions once a week at various venues around Pune, aligned with the cause of spreading the therapeutic benefits of the arts.
Name | Venue | Date | Time |
Taal Inc. Community Arts | Taal Inc Studios, Baner | 1st Saturday of the Month | 4:00PM to 6:00PM |
Taal Inc. Community Arts | TIFA working Studios, Camp | 2nd Saturday of the Month | Coming Soon |
Taal Inc. Community Drum Circle | Monalisa Kalagram, KP | 3rd Sunday of the Month | 11:00AM to 1:00PM |
Taal Inc. Community Arts | Taal Inc Studios, Baner | 4th Saturday of the Month | 4:00PM to 6:00PM |
We have a Community Drum Circle on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Read more about it, here
Drum | Rhythm | Group Drumming
Paint | Colour | Visual Art
Dance | Movement | Dance Movement Therapy
Writing | Creative Writing | Therapeutic Self Expression
Breathe | Meditation | Yoga Practices
Join the Taal Community
Come, let’s create and be a part of a community where drumming, painting, singing and dancing = going out for coffee! Come. Drum. Be One.