Communicate an objective powerfully with a Drum Circle

In our 3rd blog in the series, we’ll be highlighting perhaps one of the biggest concerns for organisations and individuals alike, *Stress Management*. It had to be one of the five pillars of Taal Inc. Drum Talks. Work today, comes with deadlines and an implicit level of stress attached with it. The effects of chronic stress on our daily lives are seen on our physical health, mental health, relationships and quality of life in general. Reducing stress not only helps improve the quality of our work, but also helps build the quality of our life.

What Causes Stress at Work and How Does Taal Inc. Drum Talks Help Manage It?

  • Lack of Work-Life Balance
    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so the saying goes. One of the main reasons employees are stressed at work is because they feel as though they never really leave the office. This is doubly true for employees who are expected to check their emails at home and otherwise be always available.By inspiring employees to indulge in more creative activities and spend time with people who matter, our customizable employee engagement activities establish how important it is to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Simultaneous Projects and Deadlines
    Too many projects each with their individual deadlines is quite a stressful combination. If your employees feel as though they’re simply responsible for too many assignments, they’re likely to be stressed.The semi-structured yet group-driven approach of Taal Inc. sessions helps employees learn to juggle with multiple tasks more efficiently and helps leaders understand the importance of delegating tasks in a more balanced way.
  • Insecurities due to fast-paced, competitive work culture
    Because everyone needs money to live and so few have it, employees who don’t have job security are bound to be stressed at work.To reduce that stress, we at Taal Inc. customise our sessions in such a way that every employee understands their value and importance in the activity and hence in the organisation. It also helps leaders  communicate clearly and honestly with the staff, keeping them informed about both their performance and the state of your organization on a regular basis helping ease the insecurities for the employees. 
  • Lack of Job Satisfaction
    Imagine putting hours of work, compromising with personal time and dealing with the pressures of deadlines and yet not feeling satisfied with the job assigned. Monotony and lack of creative stimulation can be pretty stressful. In a Taal Inc. Stress Reduction session / Drum Talks session, we make sure to break the monotony by switching roles and tasks, creating deliberate disruption and let the participants come up with creative solutions and induce a sense of healthy competition to help them experience completion and contentment in the activities or tasks they’re a part of.
  • Lack of meaningful relationships at workplace
    We as humans crave for meaningful connections in life and also at work. Not having good friends to share joy, achievements and lows at the workplace can take a toll and cause stress to employees. A Taal Inc. Drum Talks session is one of the most effective team-building activities in the list corporate training tools and helps participants improve interpersonal relationships and make meaningful bonds at work using creative arts, rhythm and expression.

Multiple researches are now suggesting that workers are experiencing mental duress including poor concentration, short temper, job dissatisfaction and low morale. Stressed workers have an elevated risk of mental health problems, ranging from anxiety and substance abuse, and perhaps, the most significant, depression. In fact, stress and clinical depression—the two often go hand-in-hand—trail family crisis as the second and third most significant problems in the workplace.

Being stress-free and relaxed is a state required to maintain a healthy balance between the pressures and demands of work and personal life. This introspective art-based self development program enables your workforce to collectively address triggers and identify appropriate coping methods, taking the first few steps towards making the workplace happier and healthier for them.

-Aman Joshi
Taal Inc. Drum Circle Facilitator.