Corporate Engagement Activities

Taal Inc. Drum Talks or Ex-change sessions are designed keeping in mind one primary objective: holistic wellbeing of organisations and individuals. While Social, Psychological, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual act as the five pillars of overall well-being for an individual, our expert facilitators and Industrial, behavioral, clinical and health psychologists at Taal Inc. have come up with the five pillars of organisational well being and created ‘Taal Inc. Drum Talks’.

Here we present to you a series of five blogs, Called ‘Taal Inc. Drum Talks: Deconstructed’ where we’ll be presenting a blog every week on all the five pillars of organisational wellbeing according to our research which are:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Group Cohesion
  • Motivation and Purpose
  • Self Awareness and Stress Management

We’ll talk about how our sessions can help you and your organisations master these five pillars with the use and application of creative arts techniques and rhythm-based activities.

The first one in the series is a blog or rather, Taal Inc.’s approach on the first pillar which is Leadership.

At the heart of every successful organization are dynamic leaders who inspire, infuse, bring about, enable and empower individuals to do more with less and achieve the company’s objectives. An organization that has effective leaders at all levels is more likely to survive in times of challenges, sustain its growth momentum and continue reaching new milestones. Explained below are the elements of effective leadership and how Taal Inc. sessions address the objectives experientially.

  • Team Building
    One of the primary roles of a leader is to build a strong team and keep everyone on the same page. Our rhythm-based activities help the employees experience just that in the very beginning of the session to set up a strong foundation for the rest of the session.
  • Being equipped to overcome challenges
    With building a team comes new challenges within the team and also for the leader to maintain harmony amongst the team members. Keeping this in mind, we make sure to include a music or creative / expressive arts based activity in our sessions that helps participants realise the potential within the team and equips them with creative ways to overcome challenges together in a fun and interactive way.
  • Ability to accept failure gracefully
    The difference between a good leader and a great leader lies in their ability to accept failure and learning from it. By doing so, a leader does not only take equal responsibility but also makes it easier for the team members to put their trust in their leader and motivates them to come up with better outcomes, not out of fear or obligation but out of trust and respect for their leader. In a Taal Inc. Drum Talks Session, we’ve deliberately placed some activities where things don’t go as planned and that really tests the ability of the participants to deal with failure and learn from it at the same time.
  • Instilling a sense of ownership in the Team
    Each individual in the team feels ownership of a project or a job when they’re trusted, given equal opportunities and not micro managed, leaders need to create an environment in which employees are empowered to take ownership by helping them when escalation or guidance is needed. The primary tool that we use in our corporate training sessions to help the employees experience it first hand is ‘Co-Creation’. An art or music based activity where the entire team is in charge of creating something together and the final outcome is not possible unless everyone joins hands to get the job done, this helps them see how being co-owners of a project can do wonders.
  • Inspiring creativity and innovation
    A team where creativity is appreciated is not only more productive but also joyful and having more job satisfaction and it’s the leader’s job to inspire innovation and creativity within the team by experimenting with new ideas and most importantly taking up the role of an enabler, a facilitator and not just a boss. In a Taal Inc. Drum Talks session, we make sure that each participant gets the spotlight and is made to understand how their role in the activity(and in the organisation) creates an impact and how they inspire creativity in everyone involved through their own innovations which as a result helps them understand the difference between a leader and a facilitator and experience how a little bit of innovation creates a butterfly effect.

Leadership is an important factor for making an organisation successful. This program will enable transformation of potential in emerging leaders of your organisation. The employees will be able to tap into their reserves of resources to be better leaders and followers, helping the team and organisation achieve set goals.

-Aman Joshi
Taal Inc. Drum Circle Facilitator