Crisis is not new to this Universe. The positive side is, every crisis taught us a few lessons on how to cope with the crises. The novel Corona Covid-19 had posed a challenge that is unprecedented till date. “Lockdown” is a phrase which was not known to us 3 months back but a casual phrase to all of us now.
It’s been over 3 months ever since the Lockdown is announced in India. Although, initially, people were finding it tough, now they have learnt to cope with the crisis in these days. Partial lifting of lockdown had made things little easier and things are limping back to the new normal. However, one cannot rule out the fear in the minds of the people with regard to the infection. We all are aware that things would never be the same. There will be a difference of day and night between pre-lockdown days and post-lockdown days.
The good thing that this crisis has made us realize how much time we all have. Prior to lockdown, all of us were so busy that we never had a chance even to look at our watches. Now with lockdown, there is ample time available with the possibility of doing a lot of things. People locked-down inside a house, are struggling hard to kill time. As we always say, crisis are opportunities to develop ourselves. How effective and constructive are we using this time to develop ourselves is the key to our success.
This is the perfect time to learn a hobby – a hobby that can be a stress buster and at the same time, charging and pumping one’s energy. Music is the best in the this regard, especially learning a new instrument. When we say music, let us not limit ourselves to one genre. Music is a vast universe where one can find varieties of genres and a lot to learn from it. Learning a musical instrument is another way of utilizing our time in a constructive manner.
Have you ever heard of the Djembe? There’s something unique about playing a percussion instrument, a drum and the happiness you get out of it. Along with an instrument we also learn about a new culture that teaches so much about hope and happiness, which is essentially helpful in this time of worry and anxiety around the world. This is why you should join the best djembe school in India, Taal Inc. School of Rhythm.
In this time the Taal Inc. Djembe Classes have not stopped, on the contrary the classes are going really well online. The participants are more enthusiastic and regular as well. This is what reminds us of the importance of a community a tribe.
We have started Online West African Djembe Classes. Meetings are scheduled prior to the classes and executed on time from the comfort our your own houses. I know you must be thinking “how can a person learn an instrument that is rhythmic and time based, on an online platform?. Yes, audio streaming is as good as our everyday phone calls, but, Me and and Varun, both have invested in professional audio equipment to make sure you get good quality information online.
Online drum classes have also made it possible for us to concentrate on each student separately. Instead of playing in a group we make sure each student understands exactly what is being taught in the class and play solo without having the anxiety of other people watching you.
The best part of this is, you’re still beating the COVID stress without having to worry about your health. Also, we don’t skip out on any information that we would’ve rather given in an actual class.
The world is moving towards a more virtual future and we at Taal Inc. are not going to limit ourselves to the present circumstance.
Post lockdown when we finally start classes, it’s going to be a COVID Compliant environment. We’ll follow all the rules and regulations to make sure we have a healthy, happy and rejuvenating experience.
Get in touch with us to register for our classes and Learn djembe online. Looking forward to drumming with you soon.

A sound engineer by profession, Aditya is a beginner djembe teacher with us and is the youngest member of Team Taal Inc. He is a musician who sings, plays the guitar, programs and also composes music. Read More